Music Builds Communities

A Community project for Newmarket and Area

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Policies: DData Protection   Equal Opportunities    Child Protection   Vulnerable Adults

Vulnerable Persons Policy

WE RECOGNISE that the welfare of vulnerable adults is paramount and that they have equal rights of protection.  We have a duty of care when they are in our charge and will do everything we can to provide a safe and caring environment whilst they attend our activities.



treat all vulnerable adults with respect and celebrate their achievements

carefully recruit and select all staff whether paid or unpaid

respond to concerns and allegations appropriately


WHEN THERE ARE CONCERNS about the welfare of any vulnerable adult/young person all adults in our organisation are expected to share those concerns with the lead for safeguarding vulnerable adults

S/He is responsible for:

monitoring and recording concerns

making referrals to social care services without delay

liaison with other agencies

arranging training for all staff



In cases of disclosure of abuse by vulnerable adults, parents or carers, we are obliged to share the information and will refer our concerns to social care services or the police in an emergency.


Staff Allegations:

Concerns about the behaviour of adult/s in the organisation will be referred without delay to the lead for safeguarding vulnerable adults who will contact social care services, or the police, if a crime may have been committed. This person is Susan Allison Project Director.


In the rare situations that the concerns are about the lead for safeguarding vulnerable adults, it is important to refer to the deputy person.  This is Roger Stubbs Chair of Management Committee. Where this may not be appropriate any member may personally refer direct to the local Adult Safeguarding Manager who will liaise with social care services, or the police if a crime may have been committed.

The term “Vulnerable Adult” refers to any person aged 18 years and over who:

is or maybe in need of Community Care Services by reason of mental, physical or learning disability, age or illness and is, or may be unable, to take care of himself or herself, or to protect himself or herself against significant harm or serious exploitation which may be occasioned by actions or inactions of other people

The term “Abuse” is a violation of an individual’s human and civil rights by any other person or persons.It may involve - A single or repeated act or omission occurring within a personal or professional relationship which causes harm to a vulnerable adult. Examples of abuse could include:

· Emotional Abuse

· Physical abuse

· Neglect and Acts of Omission

· Sexual abuse

· Institutional Abuse

· Financial or material abuse

· Discriminatory Abuse

· Domestic Abuse and Violence

Safe Recruitment
MBC recognises the importance of having the right people working with vulnerable adults. To ensure this we do the following..

All staff working with vulnerable adults are subject to an enhanced CRB check. This process is done immediately when starting, and in advance when this is possible.  While waiting for a CRB check to arrive the person will never be left alone with children unsupervised.

All staff will be required to complete an application form for the role, including two references who can comment on their suitability to work with vulnerable adults. These references have to be received and accepted before the person is able to start. The person applying also has to provide two forms of identification to verify their identity and address, at least one of which should be a recent photographic evidence e.g. current passport or Drivers Licence the other a recent Utility bill or other proof of address.

MBC are committed to providing the appropriate support, resourcing and training those who work with vulnerable adults All employed staff will
attend Level1 Safeguarding training within 6 months of starting in post.

MBC recognises its responsibility to implement, maintain and regularly review procedures, which are designed to prevent and to be alert to such abuse. These reviews will be done by the Committee annually, sooner if required. A record of any incidents will be securely held and investigated.



Child Protection Policy
This policy recognises the obligations and duty of care of organisations working with children and young people as covered in the Children Act (1989).  This Act defines children and young people as anyone up to the age of 18 years.


We recognise we have a duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of the children we work with, including our responsibility to report any allegations or concerns that come to our attention. The welfare of the child/young person is paramount and Music Builds Communities holds the view that all children, without exception, have the right to protection from all forms of abuse.


Who does this policy apply to?

MBC recognises that it is the responsibility of each one of its staff, paid and unpaid, to prevent the physical, sexual or emotional abuse or acts of neglect or omission of young people and children and to report any abuse discovered or suspected.

The lead person for safeguarding on behalf of MBC is Susan Allison (Project Director).

To safeguard children/young people we plan the work of the group to minimise situations where the abuse of young people and /or children may occur.

MBC aims to ensure that all young people are welcomed onto the premises, and programmes/activities, and will experience a safe, caring environment in a happy and friendly atmosphere.

We do an appropriate Risk Assessment of our activities and premises in advance of sessions.

Music Builds Communities will always have at least two adults present with a group,  particularly when it is the only activity taking place on the premises.

Parents/Guardians will be required to accompany their children under 12 years of age.

MBC always ensure appropriate ratios of leadership to children are observed according to age and gender.


Consent/medical forms
MBC have consent forms including medical details, where appropriate, for children and young people attending the activity. Where special activities or events are run additional consent is received from the parents/carers in advance.

As it is good practice we keep a record of each activity/session. This record includes a register of children, with their address and contact phone number, and a register of staff present and details of any significant incidents.  These records are kept securely, in line with the Data Protection requirements.

Any photography or filming of children and young people at our activities will be subject to the consent of the parents being received in advance of an event with a clear purpose as to why the photo’s are being taken, by whom and for what purpose. No young person will be identified by their full name, age or address.

MBC are committed to providing the appropriate support, resourcing and training those who work with young people and children. All employed staff will
attend Level1 Safeguarding training within 6 months of starting in post.

All staff will be given as part of their Induction/Introduction to the role a guide to recognising the forms of abuse and a copy of this procedure so they know how and who to report any concerns to.

All staff will have the opportunity to be given regular support meetings to help them with their role and to obtain feedback for them on how they can contribute etc.

We are aware of the SAFESuffolk website and the Suffolk Safeguarding Children's Board websites and can obtain updates and information on safeguarding from them or Young Suffolk.

Safe Recruitment
MBC recognises the importance of having the right people working with children and young people. To ensure this we do the following..

All staff working with children or young people are subject to an enhanced CRB check. This process is done immediately when starting, and in advance when this is possible.  While waiting for a CRB check to arrive the person will never be left alone with children unsupervised.

All staff will be required to complete an application form for the role, including two references who can comment on their suitability to work with children/young people. These references have to be received and accepted before the person is able to start. The person applying also has to provide two forms of identification to verify their identity and address, at least one of which should be a recent photographic evidence e.g. current passport or Drivers Licence the other a recent Utility bill or other proof of address.

Information Sharing
Music Builds Communities is committed to maintaining good links with the statutory child care authorities.

We recognise that the people we work with and their families need to feel reassured that their confidentiality is respected. In most cases we only share information about them with their consent, but there are circumstances where we need to override this consent. The exception to this is where not sharing information would put that child, young person or others at increased risk of significant harm or an adult at risk of serious harm. Or, if it would undermine the prevention, detection or prosecution of a serious crime including where seeking consent might lead to interference with any potential investigation.

The safety and welfare of a child or young person will always be considered when making decisions on whether to share information about them. Where there is concern that the child may be suffering or is at risk of suffering significant harm, the child’s safety and welfare must be the overriding consideration.

To ensure the safety of young people appropriate information will be shared with relevant agencies.

Reporting abuse guidelines are followed.

Data Protection
Any information held either electronically or in hard copy will be held securely in a password protected document or sealed envelope in a secure, locked cabinet/drawer. Any electronic database used for recording and reporting abuse internally will protect the identity of the child and use an identifying code rather than the name so as to ensure confidentiality.

Youth involvement

MBC are committed to working with and involving young people in the group. Children/ young people are encouraged to give us feedback on the group and we have methods of asking them what they want from their group.

MBC recognises its responsibility to implement, maintain and regularly review procedures, which are designed to prevent and to be alert to such abuse. These reviews will be done by the Committee annually, sooner if required. A record of any incidents will be securely held and investigated.

Date Adopted Dates amended



          Procedure for reporting abuse

      Actual or Suspected                                                                                                                

The following procedures must be followed: -

If you are worried about the immediate safety of a child/young person and cannot contact the Child Protection Officer call the police on 999.;

For further guidance you can get a copy of “What to do if you’re worried a child is being abused” published by HM Government, Department for Education and Skills can be downloaded at

Allegations of abuse or malpractice against a member of staff or volunteer

When a complaint has been made, the alleged member of staff will immediately be suspended whilst a thorough investigation is conducted.  This in no way implicates blame but is a measure taken to protect the child and the staff member.  

If the complaint is against a volunteer then the alleged volunteer will be asked to refrain from volunteering for a stated period and will not be permitted to return until they have been contacted and briefed on the investigation.



        Consent Form                                                            

This consent form covers Music Builds Communities   

This form should be completed by a parent/guardian if you are 12-18, before you are able to participate in our activities.  

If you are over 18 you should complete the form yourself and sign at the end of the second page.

Anything written on this form will be held in confidence.

Child/Young Person Information

Full name of child/young person……………………………………………………...………………

Gender     Male / Female                       Date of birth.........................................................

Home Address



Telephone no’s:

Home…………………………..         Young persons Mobile…………………..................

Parent/Guardian Information

Name of Parent/Guardian young person normally lives with ………………………….….........

Telephone numbers:  Day …………………………            Evening. ………………………………..........

Parent/Guardian’s mobile(s): ……………………………..………………………...

Email.............................              …………………………………………………...

Re: collection of children from our Clubs: is there any person we should know about who has restricted access to your child/children?  Yes / No (delete as applicable).  If yes, please contact (Insert name of contact) with details.



Child/Young Persons Medical Details

Please supply details of any regular medication, medical problem or disability that may affect regular activity





Is your son/daughter allergic to or sensitive to any food/medication? E.g. penicillin, plasters, fizzy drinks. If so could you tell us the effects they have.




Has your son/daughter received a tetanus injection in the last ten years? Yes/ No

Emergency Contact Details

We would appreciate an alternative contact name and details in case of an emergency.

Contact Name …………………………..….Telephone .…………………….…..………………….

Any other comments or information you feel may be useful





· I understand that this consent form covers my child to take part in the club and project activities of Music Builds Communities. I understand that separate permission will be sought for certain activities and outings lasting longer than the normal meeting times of the group. In an emergency and/or if I am not contactable, I am willing for my child to receive emergency dental, medical or surgical treatment, including an anaesthetic, which is considered necessary by a medical authority. I will inform members of the MBC staff of changes in any of the information requested on this form.         (Continued over)


· I ensure that my son/daughter understands as far as reasonably possible that it is important for his/her safety and the safety of the group as a whole, that any instruction given by staff in charge, are obeyed.

· I understand that while MBC staff  are in charge they will take all reasonable care of the young people, and unless they are negligent, cannot be held responsible for any loss, damage or injury suffered by any child/young person arising during clubs and projects. I understand that young people are counted to be in the charge of MBC staff from the time the activity commences to the time that they leave the premises (for any reason, unless part of the club activity), and that those running MBC are not responsible to see that children/young people arrive at MBC or arrive home after they have left.


· q YES (Please tick) I give permission for my child to be photographed or videoed at MBC activities. I understand these may be used for display or publicity purposes. I understand that MBC will not identify any child/young person by name in any promotional material.



Signed ………………………………………………..……             Date …………………………….....

Relationship to the child/young person ……………………………………..…



(Note: If you do not sign this form the child/young person may not be able to attend the MBC.)



    Volunteer Reference Form                                                        

Dear       ,

……………………………………………………………………………………….. has expressed an interest in becoming a volunteer with Music Builds Communities and has given your name as a referee. We have attached a brief description of the role they would be doing to help you with your reference.

This post involves substantial access to children and as an organisation committed to the welfare and protection of children, we are anxious to know if you have any reason at all to be concerned about this applicant being in contact with children or young people

Yes     No 

If you have answered yes, we will contact you in confidence.

If you are happy to complete this reference form, all information contained on the form will remain confidential and will only be shared with the applicant’s immediate supervisor, should they be offered a volunteer position.

We would appreciate you being extremely candid in your evaluation of this person.

How long have you known this person? ………………………….

In what capacity do you know them? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………..

What attributes does this person have which you would consider makes them a suitable volunteer? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….






How would you describe their personality? ..….............................................................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................


Please complete and return this to Susan Allison by …………………………………………….

Many thanks for your support.




Susan Allison

Project Director




Policies:Vulnerable Persons & Children